Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Joint Venture Marketing: Creating a Mutually Beneficial Contract

When embarking on a new joint venture marketing partnership, there are a variety of forms your partnership can take. Some small businesses that are newer or just starting out often prefer a more informal agreement - something along the lines of mutual and equal advertising space on one another's websites. and that everyone is held to equal standards, even an informal agreement will require a contract of some sort to protect both parties and to be certain that all participating achieve their goals, However. Putting a contract in place is also important so that each party knows what to expect. For a simple if necessary at all, the involvement of an attorney is quite minimal, contract.

There are a variety of websites that inform how to write your own legally binding as well as being legally binding, and plenty that offer downloadable generic contracts that are flexible and applicable to a variety of cases, contracts. A More Formal ContractIf you are a large and established business and want the confidence of a formal contract, there are several steps you will want to take in order to obtain and establish the contract that will best represent the needs of your company. A contract may also be a good idea if you embark on a joint venture marketing partnership with more than one partner. The more parties that are involved, the more contract details and potential difficulties may arise. To ensure good business practices and insurance for all involved, a formal contract is a good idea. Identifying the appropriate attorney to draw up the contract for your business and your joint venture marketing partnership can prove to be a daunting task, especially if you have not managed legal issues in the past.

An excellent first step to help you navigate this process is to consult with resource agencies that can provide background information on what you'll need to look for in an what questions to ask, what data to present, attorney, as well as potentially making suggestions for specific attorneys they recommend. Resources and Government AgenciesGovernment agencies and even local agencies like your Better Business Bureau offer a wealth of basic information to help guide you through the process of learning about a joint venture partnership, as well as the basic business practices and legal ramifications of such a venture. These agencies provide a wealth of resources to help you coordinate the steps that your specific business needs to take when beginning to navigate this process, as well as inform you how to interact with your now potential partners and how to guide the process to get the best out of your new partnership. Government and local resource agencies will also be able to help you find the right attorney for your business. They will have lists of attorneys and often lists of other clients they have directed to each attorney. In some which have used the suggested attorney, you will even be able to make contact with other businesses, cases, allowing you to get feedback on the performance of your new attorney from a business that has had direct experience with him or her.

A formal, legal binding contract that has been drawn up by a practicing attorney may be exactly what your business and new joint venture marketing partnership needs to impart a sense of security to all members. It can be a daunting process, but there are many resources available to help you get started so the prospect of selecting an attorney need not be such an overwhelming task.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Who’s Your Next Contractor?

Starting any home improvement project can be an expensive task. Like any type of project the “right” people make the difference for a successful conclusion. It will save money and time.

Even if it is a small project or repair, care should be taken when selecting the “right” contractor or home improvement company. Finding the right contractor for your home improvement project. Naturally the first advice is to seek someone who has been recommended by a trusted source. Relatives, friends or neighbors are a good starting point. It is natural to assume that these referrals can be trusted however be sure to check how long ago the work was done. The reason for this is that over years there is turnover in a crew or the actual owner may have done the work if he had just started in the business.

Outside your immediate circle there are many places you can find contractor so don’t pick one source. Check the local licensing databases in your state, BBB, pages, contractors own references and finally like in most aspects of life the Internet offers information on local contractors in your area. Finally the “FREE” estimate since it is free contact at least three or four contractors for estimates this will help you in making an educated decision. For a smaller project probably three would suffice. Meeting with the contractor.

All meetings personal or business rely on first impressions. Your instinct comes into play here if you don’t feel right about a contractor then probably he’s not the right choice for you. Allow at least for one hour per interview and ask as many questions as you can. A good contractor will deliver more information than you need and in most cases your husband or wife may not be present and you will have to explain the information to them. Questions you should come away with an answer after the initial meeting: · Is the contractor or salesman presentable in appearance· Is the salesman the owner if not does he sell for many different contractors? · Was he detailed and willing to explain all your questions? · Is he willing to discuss other jobs his company has worked on. · Was he polite? · Did you feel any pressure to buy or sign on the proverbial dotted line? · Is he trained by the manufacturer to install and use the equipment or materials required? 10 important questions about the contractor you may hire. Is he licensed and insured.

If so does he have a copy or can he provide it. This is question #1, as you should not proceed if the answer is NO. If you live under a homeowners association most likely he will be required to have it do work in your community. In addition he must have workman’s compensation. This is important in addition to liability insurance. Contractors with all these requirements will cost more.

However if someone gets injured on your property the legal costs and aggravation may be more than the extra money you are paying. How long has the contractor been in business and how long has he been in business in your area. If it is a new business he may have just opened a franchise since the franchise has checked and trained this person being a new business is not a negative. If he’s a newer business he may have worked in the business and decided to go at it on his own. This is not bad and you may consider this in you decision making as he is trying to make a name for himself and may provide more attention to you and perhaps a better price to build up his business.

As a contractor, does he need a license and if so does he have it and is willing to provide it. In some states you can look him up and see if it is updated and has he ever been disciplined or reprimanded. Not all work requires a license and not all states require a person or business to carry one. Warranty. Like any commerce transaction ask about the materials, are they top quality and do they have a manufacturers warranty?

What kind of workmanship warranty is included if it is not a material defect but an installation defect? How long is this warranty and do you need to contact the contractor or the manufacturer in the case of defective materials? References. Ask not only to see them but also obviously contact them and if it is possible, go see actual jobs. Does he offer before and after pictures of previous jobs? Does he have a website showing completed jobs and “actual” references?

In addition ask for business references such as suppliers, landlords etc. Customer complaints are a fact of life. The important thing is how are they handled and what is the time frame to resolve them on average. When you talk to the references ask if the contractor did a final walk thru and made sure they were happy. Did he send a thank you note and has he followed up during the work as well as after the job was completed.

Contractors who seek referrals make sure they are proud of their work and do a good job. Deposits are a sore issue. Contractors will want a deposit from you to show you are serious and about the job. On the other hand contractors that are not reputable will take it and run. So what to do?

If the job is small the deposit if any should be small or none meaning you pay in full when the job is done. If the job is a remodeling or large scale you should expect to provide a deposit and adhere to a payment schedule, addition, pool. The payment schedule should be in the contract and you should stick to it. Never deviate from this schedule. Paying on a credit card can give and extra level of protection as the contractor will have to answer as merchant to the bank and you have one more ally if the project is not completed as promised.

Does the contractor sub contract his work or does he manage and hire his own crews? This is important because if he does not pay his subcontractor your home may get a lien and you may be responsible. In addition he may have less control of the crew and their skill level. However in larger jobs this is very common but you should still question their relationship with other companies they do business with. The contract is a legal and binding document and should be read carefully and explained to you by the contractor.

If you don’t understand it ask a third party, preferably a lawyer if it is a large amount of money. Here are a few things you should look at: · Product choices (colors, materials) · Right to rescind (Each state may be different) · Scheduling (Start, finish and milestone dates) · Possible delays (etc, material shortage, weather) · Down payment and payment schedule· Manufacturer warranties· Labor warranty· Walk thru and final inspection· Local government and home owners approvals Additional sources you should consider: · Your local Better Business Bureau· Local government and state licensing· Trade associations· Third party niche sites on the Internet

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Drunk Driver Accidents and their Repercussions

Drunk Driver
Drunk Driver
Drunk Driver
Drunk Driver
Drunk Driver

Drunk drivers are just ordinary people who make bad choices when it comes to mixing alcohol and driving. Punishments for driving drunk tend to be mild compared to the damage that they could possibly do (and frequently that they do cause). Even a driver whose license is suspended or revoked is not actually, physically prevented from getting in their car and driving home from the bar again the next night. Because of the lack of penalties for drunk and the victims are rarely the drunk drivers themselves, there are many people on the road who are like time bombs waiting to go off, drivers. Because of their relaxed state, the typical drunk driver will walk away from even a bad crash with little to no damage to their own bodies while entire families might be killed in the collision with them.

These drivers veer all over the or hit pedestrians on streets and sidewalks, plow into oncoming traffic, freeway. It is impossible to avoid the possibility of coming in contact with a drunk driver, since even sitting at home you could have a drunk driver come through your living room window with their car and cause a lot of damage to you and your property. These people should not be allowed on the road. If you have been struck by a drunk driver, then your car had been damaged and you may have experienced physical damage to yourself or to loved ones as well. If the law will not automatically punish this kind of driver for the deadly mistakes that leave you hurting in more ways than one, then perhaps you should consider giving the law a hand.

Motor vehicle or automobile accident attorneys will help you to file a civil lawsuit against the drunk driver that struck you, causing him or her to pay you for your pain and suffering as well as forcing them to take care of any damage that was not covered by your insurance or theirs after the accident was resolved. Just because drunk drivers are just normal people, they do not have the right to act in an irresponsible and dangerous fashion again and again. These people take recklessness to a new level, getting behind the wheel when they are not capable of driving safely and putting everyone on the road with them in potential danger of death or serious injury. Drunk drivers are rarely one time only offenders, and in many cases are even aware that they are drunk when they get into their cars! These often feel that they are , even if they have been in crashes, drivers"safe enough" to get behind the wheel because they have not yet hurt themselves or killed anyone else.

Eventually the odds will catch up to them, and it could be you and your family in the car with which these drivers collide. Drunk drivers should never be allowed to get away with the minimal penalties when they are involved in a collision. In 885 fatalities related to alcohol in crashes, there were 16, 2005, according to Alcohol Alert. This was 39 percent of the total traffic fatalities for that year. That is over 46 deaths every single day of the year, or almost two deaths an hour caused by drunk drivers.

Do not let your family become the next victims of a drunk driver. If you have been struck by someone who was driving while over the legal limit for alcohol, then contact an automobile accident attorney as soon as possible to see what legal recourse you have against this dangerous person to keep them from claiming any more victims. These numbers do not even take into account the number of people who are merely injured in an alcohol related crash. In the United States, an average of one person every two minutes is injured in an alcohol related accident. These drivers must be taken off the road and stopped from getting behind the wheels of their cars. If you are one of these people who has been injured by a drunk driver, then it is time to make them pay for their poor choices and help to keep them off of the roads by taking away their financial ability to support driving.

An automobile accident attorney can help you get justice for your injuries and for any pain and suffering that you have been forced to endure because of a drunk driver. Do not let them get away with committing such a dangerous crime.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

10 Surefire Tips To Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft

Identity Theft Prevention
Identity Theft Prevention
Identity Theft Prevention
Identity Theft Prevention
Identity Theft Prevention

In this day in knowing how to protect yourself is your first defense, identity theft is a very real and unfortunate occurrence, age. Identity Theft: Learning To Protect YourselfWe live in a world in which identity theft affects us all. At every there may be a thief just waiting for us to let our guard down, at every turn, corner, constant awareness of your documents and surroundings is necessary to guard yourself against this travesty. The following are ten tips on how you can protect yourself against identity theft.

Tip 1 - Lighten the weight of your purse or wallet. Carrying all your identification and credit cards in either can create a disastrous situation for you in the event that your purse or wallet is stolen. You should only keep what you need daily in order to protect yourself. If your purse or wallet is backups if necessary, you have less to keep track of, stolen, as well as the fact that they won't have all of your information readily available. Make sure you take all necessary precautions to prevent you are prepared at the least, but if a theft does occur, theft.

Tip 2 - Use a SafeMake sure you protect all valuable identification details in your home, particularly when you are not using them. This provides protection for this information in the event of a home break-in. Tip 3 Know Who to CallIt is always a good idea to backup your credit card details and contact number of the company, in the event of a theft or loss. Do not keep these in your wallet or purse. However, keep them somewhere safe and readily available. Tip 4 Travel SmartWhile traveling, be sure that you have backups of your identification and passport as well.

Identity theft is just as real abroad as it is at home. Your backup information should include your passport and perhaps a copy of your passport, original birth certificates, number, as well as any and other important information, serial numbers of expensive equipment, prescriptions. Tip 5 Keep It To YourselfIf you receive a telephone call or email from any person or company requesting your personal information such as social security or PIN number, password, number, report it immediately and ignore the email or hang up the telephone right away. These are generally frauds, looking to retrieve your information to use it to their benefit and to your downfall. Tip 6 Secure is BestYou should be sure that your computer is safeguarded against attacks and malicious programs.

Many people have created programs specifically designed to grab information from your such as passwords, without you ever knowing, computer, user and various other information, credit card numbers, names. Use programs such as Norton or McAffee to protect your computer from and other forms of viruses, Trojans, spyware. Tip 7 Change it up Now and ThenChanging your passwords periodically is a great practice to get into. Another good practice for passwords is to be sure they are not easily guessed. Do not make them but ensure they are still easy to remember for your own well-being, mix your numbers and letters, obvious. Tip 8 Secure Your InformationWe all want to be sure we have our information readily available in case we need it or tend forget things easily. driver license, keeping any form of identification such as military ID, However, insurance or social security number out in the open is not a good idea.

These should be kept in a secure place until needed. Tip 9 Don't Print ItConvenient though it is, having your social security number or driver license number pre-printed on check is never a good idea. If and will likely be a prompt to ask for identification, these can be written on there by you or the clerk, needed. Tip 10 Mum is the wordYou do not want to openly declare your personal information to just anyone. Be sure you are dealing with a reputable company before you give this information out.

Ask yourself or the person you are dealing is it a legitimate reason? Do they absolutely need it? Do not give it out unless you believe it is legitimate reason and they have to have the information to continue with the business, why they need this information, with.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Should I Get Pet Insurance - Yes or No?

Pet Insurance
Pet Insurance
Pet Insurance
Pet Insurance
Pet Insurance
Dog Insurance Pet Care Insurance
Dog Insurance Pet Care Insurance
Dog Insurance Pet Care Insurance
Dog Insurance Pet Care Insurance
Dog Insurance Pet Care Insurance

Any avid pet owner likely would do most anything to keep their pets happy, unfortunately many pet owners are not even fully aware that getting pet health insurance for their cat or dog is even an option for them. This is because most people are never told about it until after it is too late. Sure you might see a flyer in the but the truth is that no one ever really wants to share the bottom line truth about what is involved with getting pet insurance, or some add online, store.

Let's take a quick look at the good and bad points of what you will encounter with insuring your pet's health for the long term. Like any type of insurance, there are dozens of companies that can provide you with insurance quotes and plans. As with your own insurance, you will be left to decide which company is best for you and your pet's needs. Here is a brief list of several of the most readily available pet insurance carriers on the Internet: Pet Care Insurance Companies - PetCareInsurance. com Veterinary Pet Insurance Company (VOI) -PetInsurance. com Pets Best Insurance - PetsBest. com Vet Insurance - VetInsurance. comThe basics of any insurance plan, whether it is for you or your pet are always the same: and available doctors, cost, coverage. Because not all vets will be participating members of any one insurance company, you should always check with your locally preferred vets first. If you have been using the same vet for 20 and ask why they have never mentioned it to you before, then ask if they are members of any vet insurance companies, years.

Insurance coverage will vary based on each company. I found one company website, PetCareInsurance. com, to be quite informative and displayed available coverage options from the start. They did not hide behind the "get a quote type option". Coverage levels can include accidents only or long-term illnesses, and could range from a seventy percent (70%) payments to as high as one hundred percent (100%) cost coverage. They also list the cost associated with common problems. This is when you realize that some issues like gastric torsion (where the stomach twists and bloats) or a bone fracture can cost you $3000 per occurrence. The vet is never going to tell you ahead of time how much some hereditary disease will cost you.

No one ever thinks to ask how much it will cost *if my dog breaks a leg. We do not want to think ahead in that manner. A breeder I received two dogs from recently paid $2500 to remove a throat blockage from a 5 week old puppy. There is no way to know what will happen with your pet. The monthly costs involved could be as low as $11 per month for accident only coverage, to a range of $35-$85 for specific breeds long term illness coverage. Obviously some breeds are more prone to particular illnesses then other breeds.

You should know your breed well, and take this into consideration when looking for pet insurance. The bottom line is that you need to do your homework. You need to know the potential risks for your breed of cat or dog, as well as how they behave. If your dog is chasing cars all day long, assume that the risk of an accident is much higher then a dog who is stuck indoors all day. This is in no way saying that an indoor accident will not happen, but some things are more inherently dangerous. Decide if you can afford to spend a small amount each month, or if you could afford to come up with a quick $3000 if you need to.

Check with your vet about pet insurance companies they recommend or use personally. Ask them for their honest opinions, not a sales pitch. By taking the time and steps needed to learn and make an informed decision about pet insurance you could literally save your pet's life.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Shopping Around For Secured Loans Advised For Home Movers


As people are more likely to move home during the summer months, taking out a competitively priced secured loan and planning spending wisely has been recommended. The news comes as figures released from Nationwide indicate that some compared to 210, 000 borrowers moved home between January and March, 152, 000 from June to August last year. But with this proportion set to rise even further this summer, by taking the time to shop around for a good secured loan rate the company reported that consumers could save hundreds of pounds. On a five year fixed-rate deal of 133, 000 pounds - which is signified to be the average value of a property moves are entering - by taking out a competitively priced loan borrowers could save about 33 pounds per month.

Over the course of the five year 600 pounds money which could help Britons , this saving translates into 3, deal"to start afresh in their new home, with some savings too". Matthew said, divisional director for mortgages and savings for Nationwide, Carter: "When people move house they spend considerable amounts of time choosing carpets and curtains but don't always pay as much attention to less visible but equally important elements - and even when they do, they don't always make the right choices. It is essential to make sure you have the right mortgage deal and the right lender. "Consequently, consumers were urged to get into touch with their lender should they ever look to move home. The director added that such a time also proves an ideal opportunity for borrowers to look at their current deal in detail and to analyse what is being offered by other lenders. "Moving home is a stressful at least, but ensuring you get the best deal on your mortgage will, occasion, take the pressure off your finances, " Mr Carter also suggested. Mortgage buyers were also advised to ask about various rates attached to the property buying process such as valuation fees, higher lending charges and product reservation expenses. Checking how long mortgage deals last and any respective costs tied into them beyond the end of the deal was also urged. Meanwhile, those looking for any flexibility in making secured loan repayments may wish to check whether or not they can make under or overpayments or take a break.

In related news, another Nationwide study also released today suggested that the 6 million Britons who smoke could save nearly 4 billion pounds a year by giving up the habit. With the national smoking ban coming into effect on July 80 pounds by stopping the habit, those who typically smoke five packets of cigarettes a week will find themselves better off to tune of some 1, 1st. Divisional director Robin Bailey said: "There has never been a better time to give up smoking. A smoke-free England will help ensure a healthier environment for everyone and those who quit will not only notice the effects on their health but on their finances too. "In addition to being able to make secured loan repayments with greater ease, stopping smoking could also give consumers the spare cash to redecorate their homes. "The prospect of cheaper life insurance and saving money should act as a great incentive for people to kick the habit and help boost their wealth as well as their health from July 1st, " he added. Figures from the financial services provider also indicated that quitters could save some 3, 720 pounds on the cost of their life insurance policy during their lifetime.

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Fire Damage Clean Up Includes Smoke And Soot Damage Service

A homeburning is always upsetting even if it is clearly in one area or the total domicile. The fact that a fire has occurred at all can be extremely shocking. There are various things that can be prepared to help the restoration after a fire.

The faster you can launch the fire restoration process the quicker your home and your spirit will be reestablished to the standard. The initial thing that should be completed after a house fire is to telephone your property holder's insurance affiliate and make a claim. An insurance official may come to your home and then commence administering the claim. After that, you should get the say-so to come back into your locale from the fire department. The more quickly you can return inside the house the quicker you can act to begin remediation. Keep in mind that the longer your home and possessions simply sit after a fire the much more serious the fire damage will be.

Fire damage rebuilding specialists will have to be taken into service to do the better component of the cleanup after a fire, but there are yet smaller steps that can be taken to lessen the gravity of the fire damage until the experts arrive. The primary step to take once you can step into your place is to open the windows. Place a fan and power it on. It is very important that the vapor is cleaned out of the home and that air is flowing from corner to corner of the home. If it is chilly and the furnace still works, change the furnace filter every day until there are no added signs of carbon or vapors. Any damp spots should be soundly dehydrated.

Eliminating as much carbon as workable from the home and your possessions is the succeeding action you can do to be helpful with the fire damage improvement. Use dry scrubbing sponges to take away carbon from the ceilings and walls. Use a vacuum without add-ons to clean excess sooty deposits from fabrics, window shades and mats that are able to be retained. Fix the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner just above the cover of the thing you are laboring on. Don't use a color remover on textiles as this may render excess sooty deposits impossible to take away.

Use a spongy applicator to cleanse pieces of silver or different treasured metals, then cover them and remove them to a better section. Clean counter tops appliances, bathtubs, sinks, and cabinets with all-purpose cleaning products. Be certain you wash all the faucets as sooty deposits may yield lasting marks on these metals. After the sooty deposit removal is over, it is time to extract the smoke odor from any affected clothing. Cleanse clothing various times in liquid cleansing agent. Carpets should be high temperature steam cleansed pre and post any patching up is concluded in the spot where the furnishings are located.

It is a good idea to let the fire damage remediation pros take care of cleaning furnishing upholstery and window coverings. They will have the correct cleanup items to take away the smoky odor forever. Performing these smaller tasks can help limit the fire damage to your home and personal effects and help make the fire damage improvement of your lodging be finished as briskly as possible.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tax Tips For Passive Income Streams

Many people believe they are helpless when it comes to paying taxes. Most people think that tax shelters and deductions are only applicable to corporations and international investors. These people cheat themselves of their hard earned money because they failed to learn the benefits governments give anyone, if only they will start a business.

No one likes to pay taxes, but they are a part of life. Think of taxes like you would an investment. Smart investors make more. Smart tax payers pay less. Most small business owners never think of taxes until it is time to fill out their tax forms. By then, it is too late.

Most deductions depend on the individual’s personal situation. There are a few tax principles that apply to investors and small business owners. Most can help them save money. Smart investment effectively managing capital gains and paying attention to deductions, writing off expenses, decisions, all year, will save a small business owner thousands of dollars. Write Offs It is amazing how many investors do not consider themselves as business owners. They invest money in an effort to make money.

They take courses. They buy periodicals. And, all this goes to waste because they fail to take advantage of the tax write offs offered them as small business owners. Have you purchased office equipment lately? Do you have a home based office? You can write off any portion of this or automobile used to earn an income, your home, equipment.

The important thing is to keep records. Work at home need to keep records of their business practices, and investors, businesses. At the end of the year they need to calculate the percentage of use went to the business. If the automobile was used for business 20% of the time then every bill through the year that went into the is a tax write off, from air freshener to insurance, vehicle. This is the same for the house.

Everything from renovations, insurance, mortgage, paint, lawn care, utilities, and even the cleaning supplies can be written off. If the home office takes up 10% of the home’s floor space, then 10% of every dollar that goes into the home, from mortgage insurance to window washing is a part of the tax write off. Investors who invest in small businesses or are self-employed, generate operating expenses which can be written off. These include business grooming, education, trips, clothing, and cosmetic supplies. and logs must be maintained on a daily basis, all of these receipts must be kept, However, or the revenue agency can refuse to allow the claim. Capital Gains Homeowners who sell need to report the capital gain on the sale is the actual cost of the home.

If the home was improved then the cost of the improvements is calculated into the adjusted cost base of the home – reducing capital gains. This is important for investors who trade stocks. Deferred payments can save the stock investor thousands of dollars. Losses Almost all work at home endeavours, and home based ventures experience losses. A client doesn’t pay. A contract is broken, and the business owner experiences a lost.

This loss can be is tax deductible, especially if the business owner sends the account to collections. They may never recover their money, but they can use the loss as a tax write off against revenue. However, there are other losses many home based business owners overlook. These include fees paid and commissions. Most new business owners and investors never think of deducting the bank fees from the account used for business purposes.

Conclusion In the business world, there is no difference between saving money and making money. Anything that keeps the business in the black is equal. That means saving $1 equates to earning $1 or making $1 in sales. All are equally important to the venture’s bottom line.

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