Monday, March 16, 2009

Drunk Driver Accidents and their Repercussions

Drunk Driver
Drunk Driver
Drunk Driver
Drunk Driver
Drunk Driver

Drunk drivers are just ordinary people who make bad choices when it comes to mixing alcohol and driving. Punishments for driving drunk tend to be mild compared to the damage that they could possibly do (and frequently that they do cause). Even a driver whose license is suspended or revoked is not actually, physically prevented from getting in their car and driving home from the bar again the next night. Because of the lack of penalties for drunk and the victims are rarely the drunk drivers themselves, there are many people on the road who are like time bombs waiting to go off, drivers. Because of their relaxed state, the typical drunk driver will walk away from even a bad crash with little to no damage to their own bodies while entire families might be killed in the collision with them.

These drivers veer all over the or hit pedestrians on streets and sidewalks, plow into oncoming traffic, freeway. It is impossible to avoid the possibility of coming in contact with a drunk driver, since even sitting at home you could have a drunk driver come through your living room window with their car and cause a lot of damage to you and your property. These people should not be allowed on the road. If you have been struck by a drunk driver, then your car had been damaged and you may have experienced physical damage to yourself or to loved ones as well. If the law will not automatically punish this kind of driver for the deadly mistakes that leave you hurting in more ways than one, then perhaps you should consider giving the law a hand.

Motor vehicle or automobile accident attorneys will help you to file a civil lawsuit against the drunk driver that struck you, causing him or her to pay you for your pain and suffering as well as forcing them to take care of any damage that was not covered by your insurance or theirs after the accident was resolved. Just because drunk drivers are just normal people, they do not have the right to act in an irresponsible and dangerous fashion again and again. These people take recklessness to a new level, getting behind the wheel when they are not capable of driving safely and putting everyone on the road with them in potential danger of death or serious injury. Drunk drivers are rarely one time only offenders, and in many cases are even aware that they are drunk when they get into their cars! These often feel that they are , even if they have been in crashes, drivers"safe enough" to get behind the wheel because they have not yet hurt themselves or killed anyone else.

Eventually the odds will catch up to them, and it could be you and your family in the car with which these drivers collide. Drunk drivers should never be allowed to get away with the minimal penalties when they are involved in a collision. In 885 fatalities related to alcohol in crashes, there were 16, 2005, according to Alcohol Alert. This was 39 percent of the total traffic fatalities for that year. That is over 46 deaths every single day of the year, or almost two deaths an hour caused by drunk drivers.

Do not let your family become the next victims of a drunk driver. If you have been struck by someone who was driving while over the legal limit for alcohol, then contact an automobile accident attorney as soon as possible to see what legal recourse you have against this dangerous person to keep them from claiming any more victims. These numbers do not even take into account the number of people who are merely injured in an alcohol related crash. In the United States, an average of one person every two minutes is injured in an alcohol related accident. These drivers must be taken off the road and stopped from getting behind the wheels of their cars. If you are one of these people who has been injured by a drunk driver, then it is time to make them pay for their poor choices and help to keep them off of the roads by taking away their financial ability to support driving.

An automobile accident attorney can help you get justice for your injuries and for any pain and suffering that you have been forced to endure because of a drunk driver. Do not let them get away with committing such a dangerous crime.

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